Facility Planning Committee

The Kemp ISD Facility Planning Committee, comprised of a cross-section of community members including business and faith leaders, staff, alumni, parents, grandparents, and others, was formed in September 2024 and met over the course of several months to study and assess the conditions of the District. Development of the plans for this bond package involved an in-depth process of information gathering, research, and prioritization by the committee.

Committee Charge

The Committee shall:

  • Act in an advisory role to the Board of Trustees regarding facility conditions, priorities, and future projections.

  • Review assessments, capacities, scenarios, and project solutions brought forth by school administration and consultants.

  • Support the collective decision put forth as a committee and team.

  • Put Kemp ISD students at the core of every decision using the most recent data and projections.

  • Work for the common good and strive toward consensus, be open to providing and receiving input or feedback, and be respectful of other’s options.

  • Stay future oriented, focused on longevity and outcomes that serve current and future students.